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Duplicate entry is a big problem for those who are working an office task or working with huge amount of data like names of products or names of labor etc. The chances of duplicates entries in names are very high when working with office task. It is very difficult to find out duplicate entries from a large number of names in a worksheet or workbook. But now I will teach you a easy way to find duplicate entries from an excel sheet. See below links

For Example, your data begins in A1

Select cell A1
click format (from menu bar)
click conditional formatting
change "cell value is" to "formula is"
type =countif(a$1:a1000,a1)>1
click format
click patterns
choose the Ferrari red color
still in cell A1, select the format painter (the yellow paintbrush)
paint this formatting down to the end of your range

any duplicates should now be bright red background and easy to delete

in this example it will check repetitions to cell A1000, just increase this to how ever many your range regularly covers (maybe its just me, but I take a stab at a maximum then double it cos you never know what's going to happen in the future)

obviously, paste the formatting as far down as needed also....

Tag: remove duplicate entries from excel, how to remove duplicate entries from a list of names, how to find duplicate entries from excel, how to find duplicate entry